Commission InternationalE d'Histoire et d'Etudes du Christianisme

CIHEC, founded in 1952, is the international organisation of historians of Christianity, and is affiliated to CISH – the International Committee of Historical Sciences.

CIHEC has every year an Annual General Meeting, and  a General Meeting in connection with the CISH World Congress. More about our meetings on our Conferences page.


CIHEC is the international organisation of historians of Christianity. Its aim is to extend knowledge and understanding of Christian history in all periods, from the earliest years to the present day and in all parts of the world, by promoting contacts between historians in different countries. It does this mainly by organising conferences and providing information about other forthcoming events. CIHEC comprises thirty-one national commissions.

CIHEC had its origins at the International Historical Congress held in Paris in 1950. The founders came from France, Belgium and Germany. It was part not only of the revival of scientific activity after World War II, but also of the new initiatives directed at peace and understanding. It aimed to promote international co-operation and also religious co-operation between those who had regarded one another as enemies. It aimed to bring together historians from nations on both sides of the recent war. It also brought together historians belonging to different religious confessions, who had previously belonged to separate denominational organisations, and often had had little contact with one another. Over the years, old divisions have largely disappeared but new divisions have arisen. Historians of Christianity belonging to many different nationalities, and with many different religious or non-religious affiliations, work together happily. But they have faced , and may still face, acute difficulties within their own countries, whether because of obstructions imposed by the state, or from lack of resources. The challenges change, but the need for international collaboration and mutual support continues.

CIHEC began as the Commission Internationale d’Histoire Ecclésiastique Comparée (International Commission for Comparative Ecclesiastical History). In 2007 the full title was changed to Commission Internationale d’Histoire et d’Etudes du Christianisme. (International Commission for History and Studies of Christianity). This reflected the recognition that ‘Ecclesiastical History’ had come to be seen as too much focused on the church as an institution, and especially on the history of church leaders and theologians, whereas the history of Christianity had come to encompass a much wider range of themes, including especially the beliefs and experiences of the mass of ordinary Christians in all parts of the world. CIHEC aims to interpret Christian history in the broadest terms, including both the newest and the more traditional themes and approaches.


  1. Le but de la CIHEC est d’assurer les contracts et l’entr’aide parmi les specialists de cette discipline.
  2. Les members de la CIHEC se réuniront tous le cinq ans à l’occasion et au siège du Congrès organizè par le CISH.
  3. Le Bureau de la CIHEC se compose d’un president, de vice-présidents d’un secretaire et de un trésorier, ainsi que de plusieurs assesseurs. Les diverses confessions y sont équitablement. Les members de Bureau sont élus lors de la reunion quinquennale (Congrès) du CISH et sont rééligibles. Lors de cesélecyions et pour les autres decisions de la Commission, chaque commission nationale dispose d’une voix. Le scrutiny se fait a la majorité relative.
  4. Le mandate des members du Bureau prend cours à la fin du Congrès suivant.
  5. D’accord avec l’assemlée quinquennale le Bureau fixe le plan de travalil de la Commission pour la période suivante; il dirige ses activités et en fait part annuellement aux commissions nationales.
  6. Chaque année à Paques, le premier secretaire réclame au secretaire de chaque commission nationale un rapport contenant un resumé des activités de sa commission et la liste annuelle des publications de ses members. Les rapports qui seront arrives à
  7.  Le Bureau administre les resources financiers de la Commission; il en rend compte à l’assemblée quinquennale, à laquelle il soumet un budget pour l’exercice suivant.
  8. Le Bureau représente la Commission.
  9. Dans chaque pays (État) se forme une commission nationale. Ces commissions nationales sont dirigée par un bureau qui comprend au moins un president et un secretaire. Le bureau est élu par les members de la commission avec l’approbation du bureau de la commission internationale.
  10. Chaque commission nationale contribute aux dépenses de la Commission par un subside annuel. Elle s’efforce de provoquer en outré des dons ou subsides de la part de Fonds de recherché scientifique ou d’autres organismes.
  11. Les communications de la Commission à ses members et au public se fond par des circulaires et par l’intermédiaire de divers périodiques.
  12. Il se constitue au sein de la Commission international des sous-commissions destinées à étudier les sujets particuliers et dont l’organisation est confiée au Bureau de la Commission international.

Ces statuts ont été établis a Rome en 1955 et amendé a Stuttgart en 1985.



  1. The purpose of the CIHEC is to ensure contracts and mutual aid among specialists in this discipline.
  2. The members of the CIHEC will meet every five years on the occasion and at the headquarters of the Congress organized by the CISH.
  3. The Bureau of the CIHEC is made up of a president, vice-presidents, a secretary and a treasurer, as well as several assessors. The various denominations are represented equally. The members of the Bureau are elected during the five-yearly meeting (Congress) of the CISH and are eligible for re-election. In these elections and for the other decisions of the Commission, each National Commission has one vote. Voting is by relative majority.
  4. The mandate of the members of the Bureau begins at the end of the following Congress.
  5. In agreement with the five-yearly assembly, the Bureau establishes the work plan of the Commission for the following period; it directs its activities and reports annually to the National Commissions.
  6. Each year at Easter, the first secretary asks the secretary of each national commission for a report containing a summary of the activities of his commission and the annual list of publications by its members. The reports which will have arrived by a date to be fixed will be brought to the attention of the various National Commissions.
  7. The Bureau administers the financial resources of the Commission; it reports to the five-yearly assembly, to which it submits a budget for the following year.
  8. The Bureau represents the Commission.
  9. In each country (state) a national commission is formed. These national commissions are headed by an office which includes at least a president and a secretary. The bureau is elected by the members of the commission with the approval of the bureau of the international commission.
  10. Each National Commission contributes to the expenses of the Commission through an annual subsidy. It also strives to encourage donations or subsidies from scientific research funds or other organizations.
  11. The communications of the Commission to its members and to the public are based on circulars and through various periodicals.
  12. Sub-commissions are set up within the International Commission to study specific subjects and whose organization is entrusted to the Bureau of the International Commission.

These statutes were established in Rome in 1955 and amended in Stuttgart in 1985.